So, I got the call at 10:00 pm on Tuesday night that M. had acquired 2 tickets to the Rage Against the Machine/Iraq Veterans Against the War free concert at the Denver Coliseum on Wednesday!
There was to be a march after the show and some peaceful activism and protest in response to what they termed as the "illegal war" in Iraq. It seemed like too monumental an event to NOT go...
This sweet ride was in front of us as we were parking...serious, hot action, my friend!
So, this guy and I rambled into the Coliseum...I didn't bring my camera or my bag because I didn't want to wrangle with security over the contents of my bag. Also, I fell down as we were walking towards the queue and turned my ankle, ripped my pants, and tore up my knee. I blame it on the Peppermint Schnapps.
For a brief description of the show, I'll say a few things:
I've never been a
REAL Rage fan. As I explained to M., it always reminded me of disgruntled jocks in high school that found their only outlets for rebellion through Keystone Light and the lyrics, "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me..."
Fortunately, this show really represented Rage Against the Machine's committment to being connected to something political and encouraging a sense of community and obligation to do the right thing in a safe and earnest way.
Rage was good too. I mean, tight, consistent, and full energy! I was won over!
And fine, I'll admit it, I got goosebumps several times listening to the rallying cries of Rage, of the Iraq War Veterans, and the cheers of the thousands upon thousands of fans.
The mosh pits were the most insane I've ever seen...and as I also explained to M., there were many times throughout the show where I felt I was inside a bong chamber!
To read more about the show and the protest, please check this link: the whole, it seemed semi-historic. We didn't end up marching to Invesco Field, but we did go get cheesesteaks and decided we should hit the Hope Manifest Gallery's show and the Unconvention concert.
Hope Manifest is doing this amazing Obama show that really cooked my noggin'.
Almost all the art is of Obama or has allusions to Obama.
Clearly, this was one of my faves.
It's pretty powerful to see these accumulated works and know that people all over the U.S. are invested in a national change prompted by one man.
Made of wood.
Did you know that Obama has a mole in precisely the same place as Lincoln.
Eerie, right?
Fabio Obama.
The Unconvention was amazing! Super low key, nice crowd, lovely surroundings! This was Nada Surf doing a little acoustic thing.
Cold War Kids! Really super good.
Sunset...don't ever talk to M. about the sunset.
Jam up.
I wish I could have gotten a better nighttime shot of the Hope Manifest sign on top of the building. It was composed entirely of bike wheels and illuminated in pink.
Gavin Newsome! San Francisco's super rad Mayor introducing Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah!
They sing about Satan. This always ranks pretty high with me.
Lastly, Silversun Pickups! They were legitimately, really, seriously good.
Their drummer is a mad man!
And who doesn't love a hot, sort of mute girl bass player?!
Also, check that noggin' in the foreground...COMBOVER CITY!
And lastly, here's my side face, M.'s side face, and some unfortunate schmo caught haphazardly picking his nose. Or maybe we just smelled bad.