Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Start Your Two Day Life On A Two Day Vacation

I'm about to embark on another adventure!
For those of you going to Total Fest - I'll see your darling faces there!
For Missoulians - I've missed you and plan to squeeze each of you individually!
For those not going - I've tried to twist your arm, I've plied you with talk of cool mountain rivers, new friends, and legit and earnest rock music...You're missin' out suckas!

Pictures forthcoming - Promise!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Light That Fuse

Because I haven't really been taking pics and, even more importantly, because Total Fest is right around the corner...I decided to look back in my archive and dig out some gems from Total Fest 2005!

These pictures were taken over the course of a long weekend and although it seems like they might be out of sequence...it was a wily mix of BBQs, rockin', and dangerously fun after hours parties all jammed together - sequence means very little when you're having as much fun as we were.

The point is, if it was this much fun in 2005...you can only BEGIN to imagine how absolutely insane it will be this year!
Step into the past with me for a pile of familiar faces...and one of the best Total Fests that I'd ever been to!

Jen, Daas, Dave

Big Boss, J.V.

Mama Hen!

Bacon & Egg

The Soviettes!

Black Elk!
Yeah, you remember them...that's my good friend Tom and the last time I featured him on my blog he almost lost his job.

Black Elk is part of the 2009 Total Fest line-up!

Big Mother Fucking Business!
Coady Willis is like a dream drummer! He's in the effin' Melvins for heaven's sake!

And Jared is a caftan wearer and was in the Tight Bros From Way Back When!
Don't get me started.


I love these men!

They won't be playing this year, and that bums me out major because I hear they have a new album and I'd be psyched to hear some of their piping fresh material!

These are some favorite ladies: Mandy, Ashley, and Kia!

Holy fuck! It's Toys That Kill!
I never get tired of looking at or rocking out to these Cali dreamboats!

They aren't playing this year either, but another incarnation of TTK is playing...
The Underground Railroad to Candyland! And I can't wait!

Yes, thank you!

Oblio Joes!
Just seeing pictures of these dudes breaks my heart!
That's Danny Oblio and the Blue Eyed Snake - Stu!

Johnny Brownell!


Dirty crusties!
I think one of them is named Tom!

This requires explanation.
I'd like to think that simply saying Mullet Elf would explain it.

Actually, that's all I'm going to say.

Tiniest butt at Total Fest!

Lopez's van tire blew up!

So, at Total Fest BBQs...there are always spirited games of horseballs.
Here's those sweet faced Toys That Kill boys playing!

And some of the Lopez dudes playing too!

Joseph - light of my life!


Retardo Montalban!

Sweet Punk Rock Jim!


My sweet friend Colin! And the Mullet Elf ninja-ing!

Von and Dennis!

Sweet faces that I love...and The Count.

Dan in a lovely gown!

Lopez in all their leisurely glory.


God damn, this was a good fucking Total Fest because USS Horsewhip played and they remain one of my all time fave bands ever!

They rip shit up!

And work their tails off.
Sadly, they broke up...and my heart hurts to this day about it!

No-Fi Soul Rebellion!

Mark and Andrea Heimer!
They're the cutest!

Punk Rock Jim's a big fan!

I'm beginning to believe anything out of PA is good!

Sheesh, this is another stellar example of why Total Fest is so fucking amazing!

Mountain High kills it! And they work so hard!

And my favorite of all things - DOUBLE DRUMMERS!
YES. Come back, Mountain High!

Joey and the ever entertaining Sammy Adams!

Lopez played and they never disappoint.


Gene Wilder...

And Tom - looking like he's in the fucking Village People.
Nice Leatherman, you nerd.

The International Playboys were still together back in 2005...and their set ended in blood.

Also, Joe was still around.
We love Joe!

Colin cut his finger on the lighting rig and I'm pretty sure he not only bled everywhere, but had to go to the emergency room.
He might have given me a Vicodin after the show - yeah, I'm pretty sure if he didn't...some one did.


The best part of the show was the Humpy reunion!
Here's Yale kicking ass and taking names!

Davey P - shredding!

Justin being the hesher that we all know and love!

And Andy! ANDY!
A ginger I can support!

Oh yeah, and The Lights played too!

They are always handsome!

And once the shows are over...and if you're lucky enough to be invited...
You can hit after hours parties where Joey gets everyone dancing!
Even Jake!

But the best part of the whole experience was spending time with our little Mullet Elf.
His name is Chris and his band Le Force IS playing Total Fest 2009!

See, look at the good times, the characters, the BBQs, the good times, and the sweet faces!
It's worth your while, I swear!