Jess was frying up chicken when I arrived at Mic's & Mike's.
COMFORT FOOD - for when you just don't know which way it's all going to go!
We had a good feeling, but none of us could deny that we were a little worried.
But just a little.
Seeing the faces of the people at Grant Park in Chicago, IL was inspiring.
All different kinds of faces!
Tristan had worked out some celebratory Obama moves that he broke out for the occasion.
And just for record, I kept Wholesome November in full effect! Hot cocoa and water were my drinks of choice!
Sheena even brought her beau Adam! Those nuts just added a pig to their animal menagerie!
Soul food!
Mike came rolling in from work...he fixed himself a tall one and commenced hanging!
Cutest supporters!
And then the Comfort Food Election Buffet 2008 powered up!
Audrey helped Kiandra with a plate...
Fried chicken, salad, mashed potatoes, green chili, mac & cheese, breads, antipasto, strudel...
It was a ridic!
We all fared pretty well, I have to admit!
We are blessed to know and have each other to lean on.
We had all kinds of faces too! Lovely Audrey faces!
Although this may appear to be a spirited political debate, I believe Micaela was pontificating on how crappy the new Knight Rider is.
After you eat and talk - you start to wonder again...What direction will our country take?
You look at all the fine faces around you and you wonder...are we going to be okay...?
Essentially, we all have the same concerns...
We care about our families, our friends, our jobs, our homes, our safety, our happiness, our freedom.
It doesn't matter if you're a PhD student, a 5 year old boy...it doesn't matter if you work in publishing or insurance or finance...it doesn't matter if you're male, female, straight, gay, white, Latino, or a mix of all of it!
What matters is that you care. Period.
This matters.
And when we heard, through cell phone calls, texts, and reports on the radio that "they" called it for Obama...we felt relieved.
And not only did I feel relieved, but I felt proud...proud and patriotic for the first time in my life.
My mom reported that she cried over the phone, I saw salty drips leaking out of my friends' eyes, and even I got a little misty.
When I got home, I sat on my bed and watched the celebrations all over our country. I fielded text messages from friends that cheered with me over Colorado going from red to blue! And I reflected on the words that Obama conveyed to us...
"This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment."
Sheena even brought her beau Adam! Those nuts just added a pig to their animal menagerie!
Mike came rolling in from work...he fixed himself a tall one and commenced hanging!
And then the Comfort Food Election Buffet 2008 powered up!
Audrey helped Kiandra with a plate...
Fried chicken, salad, mashed potatoes, green chili, mac & cheese, breads, antipasto, strudel...
It was a ridic!
We all fared pretty well, I have to admit!
As we ate, we talked and laughed. We are lucky to live in this country!
We had all kinds of faces too! Lovely Audrey faces!
Although this may appear to be a spirited political debate, I believe Micaela was pontificating on how crappy the new Knight Rider is.
You look at all the fine faces around you and you wonder...are we going to be okay...?
We care about our families, our friends, our jobs, our homes, our safety, our happiness, our freedom.
It doesn't matter if you're a PhD student, a 5 year old boy...it doesn't matter if you work in publishing or insurance or finance...it doesn't matter if you're male, female, straight, gay, white, Latino, or a mix of all of it!
And not only did I feel relieved, but I felt proud...proud and patriotic for the first time in my life.
My mom reported that she cried over the phone, I saw salty drips leaking out of my friends' eyes, and even I got a little misty.
When I got home, I sat on my bed and watched the celebrations all over our country. I fielded text messages from friends that cheered with me over Colorado going from red to blue! And I reflected on the words that Obama conveyed to us...
"This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment."
And I, like Tristan, answered another call...
The call of my pajamas.
I went to bed with the prospects of waking up in a country I'm proud of.
I woke up today in a country that has a new President - the first African American President of the United States.
How could I not be patriotic!
i heart you becky poo
Feelings mutual, darling Mysti!
so glad you could share in the family obamarama! :) we all sat, misty eyed, for the victory speech. it was an amazing night, and hopefully the promise of an amazing new year!
hmm- some of those pictures were VERY orby. Either our ancestors wanted to party hardy with us, or I didn't dust very well. I prefer to believe the former!
I know! I noticed that too!
I like to think there were some good spirits sniffin' the green chili!
Grandma and Grandpa had to watch somewhere! I can't think of a better living room to orb about in.
Thank you for your beautiful words, Becky! I was going to write a blog yesterday between my tears of happiness, but I couldn't muster up the words in my head. All I could keep saying is...
Just when I was starting to lose hope, my prayers were answered...Yep, yesterday I actually caught myself praying...
That's right Maura B!
Yes, We Can!
Our hearts and minds are in the right place!
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