Does this look familiar?
It should! It's the Baker Neighb Porch Drinkin' Posse...and our shit is getting tighter and more interesting every week that we join up!
There were some new old faces like Shane on the left and Nick on the Right...
You remember Pablo!
Nice porch drinkin' hat, my friend!
Miriam came glowing with good news and it was nice to see her right with the world!
So, as per the typical porch drinkin' get down...we discussed a variety of subjects...ranging from role play opportunities with a hat such as the one Mr. Pablo is sporting to dating cousins!
But that's how we do it on the porch!
We use the space right up...drinking icy cold porch appropriate beverages...and talk some shit.
Here, I believe Maura is discussing the merits of peeing on someone.
There was a demo leg wrestle, but no competitive leg wrestling like last time.
Christ with an I sort of smoked everyone's ass last time and there was a lot of unspoken fear that the tide would not turn in any competitor's favor.
Maura's neighbors joined us.
Carlos used to live upstairs!
Now, Eric lives upstairs.
His rad girlfriend Sarah hung heavy with us too!
She's a yoga instructor - go to her yoga studio on 27th and Arapahoe!
Jeff was displaying his intentional sunburn and talking about a tree that was giving him some attitude. He tried to talk sense to the tree, but it wouldn't listen so he tried to kick it's ass.
Everyone makes friends on the porch...
And if Maura puts on some latin salsa jams, you're expected to get up and shake something.
Carlos kindly obliged.
But things start to wind down...they always do.
And just about the time that happened, a giant storm rolled in and violently poured beautiful smelling rain - a deluge!
It was the perfect end...washing away the evening from our faces as we all pointed ourselves home or wherever we ended up.
Me? I biked it over to Maura's house on Midge and on the ride home felt the delicious cool wet pushing against me as I rode through the night.
Come to porch drinking, we'll ride bikes, and laugh harder than you have in a very long time! It's good for you, no lie!
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