Red Rocks Amphitheater!
It's beautiful's everything that everyone says it is...
I suppose if you saw the Grateful Dead here back in the day, like my good friend Jen, you are fully aware of what the scenery does for your experience.
For me, I saw the Sex Pistols here AGES ago.
They were old and Johnny Rotten kept sucking oxygen because the altitude was having it's way with him.
It sucked.
I joined up with a couple of favorites...we'd been pining for this evening for months!
Maura, Becky, Meg - Flight of the Conchords fans!
First, Iron & Wine played. It was good. I mean, as background music.
I suppose if I really loved Iron & Wine I probably would have been enraptured, as the rocky amphitheater made him sound so dreamy...
Still, it was kind of a downer.
Just sayin'.
In between Iron and Wine and Flight of the Conchords we ended up with some seating drama, but Meg quickly whisked us down to the 16th row where we enjoyed the remainder of the show!
Before the Conchords,
Arj Barker (he plays Dave the pawn shop owner) did a short comedy set.
He was pretty funny...
And he asked the whole audience to flip the bird...
That's a lot of middle fingers!
And then it was Bret and Jemaine!
I know a lot of people don't like "novelty" music.
But for me, laughter is #1.
So, if you can rock out and also make me's pretty much the best combination ever!
Meg, Maura, and I sat in row 16 and laughed our asses off.
We sang along to the songs we knew and cackled so much that the girls in front of us (who didn't know how to have a good time) kept turning around and glaring at us.
So, to all you ladies too scared to have fun...suck it, we're laughing for you too!
As the cool breezes wafted in and the night got darker the whole place became more magical.
Maura saw a shooting star and I was crazy jealous about that.
It was a pretty great night.
Although, the hike back to the car was debilitating, I had to pee in a port-a-potty, and the traffic out of Red Rocks is cut throat and tedious.
I'll be back at Red Rocks in a couple weeks...LEONARD COHEN!
Baby S is taking me for my birthday!
The summer is just starting and I'm working on a comeback.
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