When the sunshine creeps from behind the haze of winter clouds...it's hard not to get a little inspired!
Maura picked me up to meet Mrs. Jess - a trio of awesome ladies on a bright March morning!
Mrs. Jess used to be Jess Maydan, but her marital status is officially attached! Congrats, my friend!
Maura, on the other hand, is single, hilarious, and totally lovely! Gentlemen! Email me about her!
We met at DJ's Berkeley Cafe - home of the dream breakfast burrito!
We met for a specific reason - Mrs. Jess had a gift for me.
Yes. Click on the pic.
Yes. It is a shirt with kittens dressed in American Indian headdresses and moccasins.
Stop being Jello.
If you want to start your morning right...
And by right, I mean with laughter, these are the ladies to hang heavy with!
Super buddies!
The breakfast burrito really is their crowning achievement over there!
Go there - try it!
Actually, call me, text me, email me, twitter me...I want to go with you!
After brekkie, Maura and I drove around doing summer scouting.
Basically, that means taking pictures of places that we want to go this summer!
This is to remind us to go to
Don't forget!
This is an ice cream joint!
We'll be going there too!
I found a mirror behind Maura's house and got crazy excited about it.
I put it in the back seat of her car and then later forgot that it was back there and reclined onto it.
It broke, of course, and I'm feeling doomed.
Maura had a meeting down town and she asked me to accompany her...it gave me an opportunity to wander around LoDo early enough in the day to avoid the annoyance of people who enjoy hanging out in LoDo.
The day was absolutely gorgeous.
I felt really fortuitous that the day had unraveled the way that it had and I was given the chance to meander.
It's hard to be in LoDo without hitting the 16th Street Mall - and honestly, I hate it.
It reminds me of going to the mall in Cheyenne when I was a teenager.
Still, there are fluters down there...and if you know me, I'm super into that!
If you get away from the spectacle of the tourist traps...there's lots of interesting architecture and little secrets.
It's hard to walk without constantly looking up.
So many lines for your eyes to follow and get lost in...
Tracing the silhouette of buildings into the sky.
Sometimes it confuses you and you lose your footing and feel compelled to find something to steady yourself with.
Real talk.
Do you think she did?
There is a little oasis on the outskirts of LoDo called
Sakura Square.
A quiet Japanese garden in the midst of all the hub bub.
Buddhist priest keeping things cool...
Where have you left your name lately?
There's the obvious stuff downtown...
Stuff that you're expected to photograph when you're down there...and if I remember correctly, I haven't taken pictures of this stuff yet.
Pegasus...for my Montana and Binghamton ladies.
Remember the 15th St. Tavern? Remember how it smelled like a toilet and how awesome bands played there? Yeah, me too.
The first show I saw there was The Swanks before I moved to Denver...the first time I met all those people and they became my life long friends!
I also saw one of my all time favorite bands play there with a local band.
It was like a private Oblio Joes show just for me - I'll never forget it for the rest of my days!
The Tavern is gone now...and this is what is in it's place. Gross. Shame on you, Denver.
I'd been exploring for almost 2 hours...
And started to steer myself back toward meeting Maura again.
Here's another place to visit this summer...if you're interested let me know.
One should always be a tourist in their own city or town.
And I've got a rad partner in crime who makes me laugh so loud and always peeps cute gentleman with me!
And me, I like to think I'm sort of kick in the pants as well...
Summer of the Buddies 2010!
It's coming!
Totes lime green jello re. the kitten T.
YES! I knew you would get my J. Body reference!
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