Monday, May 12, 2008

Put them all together it spells MOTHER!

That lady on the left - that lady is my mom!
That lady on the left is the woman that has gently guided me to be the person that I am today.
She encouraged me to play piano and flute and didn't act too disappointed when I ditched them for MTV and dress up.
That mom right there hugs me and tells me that she loves me often.
She is the best tickle scratcher EVER.
She makes the best potato soup and mashed potatoes and gravy.
My mom loves a little Bailey's Irish Cream in her coffee on weekends and loves to listen to Tchaikovsky while cleaning house.
My mom puts flowers on our family member's graves every Memorial day, she brushes the hair out of my face, and is truly the most inclusive person that I know!
She cracks people up and laughs a lot.
And I'm proud of the person that she is and what she has achieved in her life. She is an amazing representation of what a mother should be and if you ever needed mom...she would swoop right in and hug your face and make you feel like family.

She is my family and I am eternally grateful for fate bringing us together!
I'm a lucky kid.


(The woman to the right is Jan - a family friend, mother, collector, and fellow hilarious person!)

1 comment:

Maura said...

I love Mamas! That lady on the left reminds me of someone, and I can't put my finger on it. She makes me laugh just looking at the picture!