Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm Working, but I'm Not Working for You...

King Rat played The Fillmore last night with Pennywise! I'm so proud of them!

On the walk over, Micaela and I found these glasses kindly hung on the fence with the owner's name.
Distance and my camera's propensity for being a piece of garbage renders most of the photos weird and liney, but bear with me...
Here's Ant blowin' minds!

Mike and Luke tearing it up!

Mike shredding!

Because I couldn't get close enough to get a good one of Doug - here's one of him being adorable!

Jake and Jess showed up!

Jess is one of my new favorite hilarious people! She said I could be part of her summertime bike gang!

Micaela knows how to party.

There was A LOT of love rolling around!

I'm terrible at taking these kinds of self portraits...Still, I think we're pretty cute!

The young punk rockers of today! They give me hope!

Post show green room hang outs! Luke totally doing what Luke does best.

We're a family here in Denver. A messy, dysfunctional, loving, rockin' good time family...

I love my family!


Maura said...

I should have gone...I do nothing fun anymore...

Spencer D. C. Keralis said...

Love Micaela's new glasses!