Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Favorites Wednesday!

Ha! See that little cutie right there?
That's the logo for my dear friend Spencer's small press, Laughing Mouse.

Spencer has been cooking on Laughing Mouse since way back in 2002 and he's recently found a lot more time to dedicate to making it a little press worth talking about and cranking out some new material.

He's recently published a book of poetry for Mariette Papic called 'Electric Bathtub Psalms' and they are just beautiful hand crafted pieces of art with some really enthralling poetry inside.
You can learn more about Mariette's chapbook here!

But more importantly, you should go to the website to stay abreast of all the great ideas and wonderful plans Spencer has in store for Laughing Mouse!

Spencer is one of my favorites so it seems appropriate to give a shout out to him and Laughing Mouse Press on Favorites Wednesday!


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