Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You're So Great And I Love You

I'm a lucky person.
I don't win a lot of things, but what I am rich in is people.

June 23rd, I celebrated my birthday. I have to admit...I've been sort of gloomed out and not interested in anything beyond laying on my bed evening after evening re-watching the confrontation scenes from the finale episode of 'The Real Housewives of New Jersey'.
HOWEVER, your birthday comes whether you want it to or not...and hopefully, when it comes, you're able to have really quality people around you like I have.

I'm a lucky person.

So, after a night of hard drinking... and by hard drinking, I mean box Baker Neighb Porch Drinkin'...Maura and Baby S came for me.
I'd taken the day off to really wallow in my dreary birthday funk, but Spencer and Maura rescued me and dragged me to Snooze!

None of us had been there before so we were pretty excited to soak up some of that Chillable Red...

Maura brought me a card that had ladies with big boobs on it.
It said bosom buddies...because that's what we are!

Maura may or may not have had a few war wounds from the night before...

And all of us were a little worn out!

Lookin' super fresh in my Ferd shirt! That shirt is a staple. You wish you had one!

Snooze brought me a blueberry streusal pancake with cinnamon butter and a candle...on the house!
That's what happens when it's your birthday!

While we waited for our brekkie...Spencer looked up the etymological story behind the expression, "to boot".
Yes, we are all English nerds.

I had the benedict...and it was glorious.

Spencer did the corned beef hash and Maura went with the breakfast burrito!

The decor in Snooze is amazing! You should go there and have the pancake flight.
Yes, they have those.

They also have the chairs that make you look like you have a big butt.
I wouldn't have taken the pic, but Maura insisted.
It was for science.

Breakfast made us all, we all went our separate ways.
Spencer had errands, Maura had errands, and I had to do my laundry.

The laundry situation at my house was becoming critical.
I'm sure you understand, but if you saw it...your opinion of me might change.

Later, Maura came and hung out at my house and we watched a movie and the male edition of Oprah hosted by Dr. Oz. I never really get to watch daytime TV...and we learned a great deal about the prostate, testicular cancer, and why Derek Jeter can't sleep at night.
It was a thrilling episode.

I managed to get all gussied up for the dinner that was planned later in the evening at La Sandia.

I sweet talked Maura into heading over to Don's Mixed Drinks first for red beers.

They make a mean red beer over there...

Spencer picked us up...and picked Miriam up...and we all headed to Northfield to meet the rest of the birthday crew.

Chris and Steph are my birthday party posse!
Do you recognize that monkey hat from Chris' birthday?

Miriam was on my left and bless her heart!
She's the best...I'm so excited for our trip to Missoula together!

Meg and Michelle came too!
And that waiter, we ran his ass ragged.
We're what you might call a "problem table"...but rarely can any waitstaff resist our pluck and charm!

La Sandia makes the BEST guacamole ever...and the Guavapolitans are to die for!
No jokes.

This is how I looked for most of the night.
Just stuffing chip after chip, drenched in salsa and guacamole, into my face.
Michelle doesn't judge...I even dropped a chip in my purse on accident and she smiled and nodded like she understood.

These are some heavy hanging broads! My girls Miriam and Meg!

Chris and Maura...
I promise, I won't make any lei jokes.

Some serious besties right here!
Notice how Spencer is smiling...he never smiles when I take pictures of him.
He hates my camera.

Two Michelles in one night. How did I get so lucky?

Chicken enchiladas with mole!
I know it looks delicious...go there and try it for yourself!

So...usually, I don't post A LOT of pictures of myself on my blog. But people at the table took my camera and snapped away.
And from the looks of this picture, you might begin to understand why I DON'T post pics of myself.
I'm a nutcase.

Meg was trying to teach me some sound America's Top Model type posing methods.
The arm out, the chin up...and the tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth.

Chris was dying laughing at me.
I look like a maniac.

Miriam helped me with my had a Munny zipper pull baked right into it!
I keep Miriam around for precisely this kind of friendly assistance. Also, she is a fucking riot and cracks my ass up.

So, yeah...I had a birthday.
I got older.
17 years ago...I was 17 years old.
So weird. I don't even remember anything about that birthday.
Your brain starts to betray you...

What I will remember though...are these wonderful people!
These friends who make me laugh and cheer me continually with their support, earnest interest in my life, and their willingness to endure my insanity and actually appreciate it!

Like I said, I'm lucky as hell.
Thanks guys...I love you!

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