Sunday, December 27, 2009

Captain Howdy Said No

Maybe you've been wondering what I've been up to.

Or maybe you haven't...

It's okay...sometimes I don't feel like I have anything to say and I slack off on the blog because of it.

But then, I am surrounded by my people and I get inspired.

Spencer invited me over to his place, a while ago, to play Scrabble and drink Dark & Stormies.

Of course I went over...I love fancy mixed drinks and language games.

Spencer's pursuing a, I should have known I didn't have a chance.

But I kind of gave him a run for his money.

Vomit...Yeah, that was me.

Collie & Bea looked on approvingly.

In the end, Spencer was triumphant, but I didn't do too shabby.
I was an English major once.

Later, we watched 'The Exorcist' - one of my all time faves!


This is what I look like when I'm watching 'The Exorcist'.

Spencer set the scene with candles and bunnies! I adore him.

And at the end, all was righted...
I've missed this place and there's more updates to come - so, hang around or whatever.


Chris said...

It's about time.

And I'd say, "Your mother sews socks that smell!" but she seems too nice for that.

Becky Hensley said...

Thanks Chris...sorry, got a little off track.

And HA!