Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Think I'm Hyper Enough As It Is

You know when your hairs are long and getting longer and you wince every time you look at yourself in the mirror.
Well, I was at that point recently.

I'd heard amazing things about the Mop Factory...and Andee, one of the proprietors, has the very best reputation for changing people from shaggy drones to fabulous hotbots.

So, I sat in the chair and talked it through with Andee...and we found something that suited me just fine.

Andee chopped away - hacked and snipped!
And she made me a new girl...
Sadly, I didn't get any pics of myself, but you'll see me soon enough.

More importantly, I want to shout it from mountain tops...ANDEE IS THE BEST.
She has great stories, impeccable taste in music, and the best sense of humor!
Plus, Andee massaged my head and rendered me a speechless pile of goo...
That's my fave part!

The Mop Factory is intimate and perfect!

Plus, their reading material is tremendous!

Seriously, look HOW CUTE Andee is!
Go see her, let her have her way with you!
TOTALLY worth it.

Follow their Twitter here: MOP FACTORY

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