Monday, April 27, 2009

One Step Behind The Drum Style

I've been sort of wrapped up in some personal stuff.

Sometimes that personal stuff ends up obscuring how awesome the city around me is...

The other day I took my bike in for a major overhaul. It's time Midge (my bike) helped me to explore DenvCo a little better.
I took her to The Bicycle Doctor and they were awesome!
Midge is all set to, any bike adventurers want go for a spin...I'm ready!

This weekend, in an effort to get a breath of fresh air, I headed back to Wyoming.
Um, it started out on a bad note - Wheatland, Wyoming's Johnny Law caught me doing 85 in a 75. He pulled me over and issued me a $105.00 ticket - but he cut it by $10.00 because I was wearing my seat belt. Real peach of a pear, that guy...

Then, after spending $100.00 repairing my windshield recently, some road hog spit gravel at me. New nick in my shiny windshield!

Still, Mama welcomed me with open arms...and handed me a paint brush!
She decided the only way to get over a speeding ticket is manual labor.

We painted the "Camo" room. The people who owned my mom's house before she bought it let their heathen children paint their rooms however they'd like.

Mom cooked for me, we watched 'Rachel Getting Married' (which was fantastic), and gabbed the weekend away.

It snowed while I was there.
You can NEVER trust Wyoming weather.

Mom's finally getting all her stuff situated and displayed.
This nook of family pictures makes me so happy!

Yours truly!
How adorable was I?

Now look at me. Total degenerate.
By the way, that bathroom is painted orange with purple accents.

The old family piano!
It's lovely to see it again!

We didn't crack this sucker open, but I'm time.
However, the Baileys was in full effect.
It's a weekend staple at Mom's house!

So, I'm headed to NYC tonight to see Throbbing, I hope to have all kinds of great pics and adventures to report back to you about.

I miss you guys.
What have you been doing?

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