Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yeah, what ya gonna do when the novelty has gone?


It's been a really, REALLY long time since I've been at a show like this one.

Packed to the gills with young, sweaty DIY kids making it happen!

We used to be those kids.

Little brutes and beasts in Skinny Puppy and The Smiths t-shirts. Girls that looked like they fell into Stevie Nick's closet.

We were there to see HEALTH.

Everyone was drinking out of paper bags and lovin' it.

The music seemed pretty amazing...experimental, noisey, surprising!

The kids were everywhere.

And maybe we're old, and maybe we've lost our wanderlust...

But we bailed for The Sputnick, beers, and the AC blowing at our backs.

1 comment:

jonathan said...

I always feel really weird going to punk shows these days. I tend to be the only dude wearing designer clothing (only like a Fred Perry or Ben Sherman, but still...designers) and cologne. Usually it's no big deal, but still. I'm not the 16-year old punk anymore.

Your friend Spencer(?) is cute. But not as cute as you...OBVIOUSLY.