Monday, October 20, 2008

It Aint Braggin' Motherfucker If Ya Back It Up

Road trippin'...

Brandy Lou had never been to Taos.

Taos is pretty magical. It is...there's a hum.
Read about it here:

I never hear the hum when I'm there...but there is something special about that place.

Breathing is a far more distinct pleasure when you're there.

The sun falls on you so sweetly.

It doesn't hurt when you get to shack up with a bunch of your lady friends in amazing adobe digs!

Pinon and Caramel.

Pretty much heaven around every corner!

And the sky. I don't think I've mentioned the sky.

It devours you.

And you want it to.

Slack jawed.

And when you aren't caught gawking at something as totally mind blowing as this...

...there are dark places...and mystical places...and they are open for public consumption.

I'm pretty sure I shouted some Bikini Kill lyrics in this church's courtyard!

But nobody cares when you're living on Taos time.

The glow is life.

You've gotta run right towards it.

Also, um...burritos.



And...a combinations platter just for good measure.
Oh, also...Happy Birthday Shelly Boo! For a ginger, you're a dreamboat!


Chris said...

I love the Southwest. Haven't made it to Taos, though I have visited Albuquerque and Santa Fe. I'm a big fan of Tucson, AZ, and the little towns south of it -- like Patagonia, and especially Bisbee!

Becky Hensley said...

Taos is interesting. It's a strange mix of rich people, townies, tourists, hippies, and worshippers of spirit animals, lovers of sweat lodges, and flute players.

It's right up my alley!

You should mos def check it!
