Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cabin Fever - Christmas Style

Holidays at home are a must for me.
Look - Wynnie's growing up...


Stockings hung by the chimney with care...

Mom cooking up the green tradition.

We hung out in Glenrock for one day...the only day we could get out of the house.
Had brekkie at the Glenrock Breakfast House.

Cutest Mom.

The interior of this place is great. And they had a fire going...

In the foyer, they had fliers on taxidermy...

and addiction counseling...

And we saw a whole crew of deer meandering about on the city streets like they owned the place.

This is what I wanted to look like when I was a little girl.

Mom made cider and we hunkered down. A big snow storm was coming...

I drank Bud Lights on ice - my Mom's cocktail of choice.

On my 26th birthday, my Mom came to Missoula, MT to visit me and while I threw back beer and cocktail after beer and cocktail...she stayed true to the Bud Light on ice.
The next day, I was draggin' ass and she was spry and ready to rock.

She claims it's from the ice. Don't you dare doubt her!

Christmas dinner!

Amish made tamales and burritos with Mom's green chili!

She's into black olives.

Mom has been gifted a couple bottles of plum brandy from some friends of ours in Glenrock.
Mom loves it, but I think it tastes like Robotussin.

The next morning...we opened presents...and look how damn spoiled I am!


These bad asses come in a soft faux leather case!

And every moment of the opening of them is divine...

When you see the glint of the get shivers...
Okay, maybe you don't, but I do!

Mom said they look like medical implements...and I agree...and I'm in love...and I'm going to knit some shit! Just you wait!

Santa also brought me the most gorgeous sleek, black camera ever!
It's a love affair!

And when the snow came in, and boy did it come in...
I settled into what would turn out to be a maddening embroidery get down.

Mom was cute and did puzzles and drank mimosas.

Clearly, we're identifying all the camera's features...not my better features!

Still, I was so enraptured with my embroidery project that I turned into Pee Wee Herman from that scene from 'Pee Wee's Big Adventure' where he is in the basement working out with his friends how his bike was stolen...
And he says,

"It's like you're unraveling a big cable-knit sweater that someone keeps knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting and knitting..."

Yeah, that's how I felt about embroidery. I was losing it.

But it turned out pretty, right?

I gave it to Mom.

At some point, we decided that we should try to dig out so I could get back home to Denver.

We had to take turns with the shovel - mom only has one!


Team Holden!

My turn!

Action shot!

Yeah, a lot of snow!

Mother and Daughter!

I managed to get out of Glenrock the next day with no problems!
The interstate was perfect.

And my holiday was perfect...quality time, and how, with my most favorite person on the planet.
She's funny, gives the best hugs ever, and cooks all my favorites!
Thanks Mom for another amazing holiday together!


Chris said...

Heartwarming. I failed to take pictures at either family holiday event, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I think that makes you a better child than I am.

Becky Hensley said...

Nah, I got a new camera silly!
I was taking pictures of everything...and note that I've spared you many of the worst!

Spencer D. C. Keralis said...

I want a short story from you on someone who's addicted to taxidermy. Get typing!

Becky Hensley said...

Christ! That's a tall order!


Maura said...

What's the deal with the needles? Are they battery operated? Just curious what makes them so special... ;) Maybe even a lady like me can knit with them!
They break was lovely. Thank you for sharing.

Becky Hensley said...

No...they aren't battery operated, but they're just the best knitting needles a person can buy.
Top of the line and any knitter worth their salt will tell you so!

The metal makes them easier to transfer yarn from one needle to the other.
And the "click" function means that you can attach a cord from one needle to the other for larger projects like sweaters and blankies!

I have been dreaming about them for YEARS and Santa really went out of his way for me!

Thrilled can't describe what I felt when I opened them!

