Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dancing at a Funeral Party

I have a lot of friends...people that I've known for ages that know me and love me, but these people...are way old school.

We all met in Laramie. It all sort of started for me there...and has led me to where I am now.

Laramie is a strange spot on the map of Wyoming - it's known for a lot of things - some of the things are pretty disgusting and sad - things that give the place a bad reputation.
And still, despite my experience with the place which was legitimately questionable, I left with some pretty solid people in my life.

Steph is a good example. We were super tight forever ago...and then didn't speak for almost 8 years. We were in transitional places learning from our mistakes and reeling from our choices. The timing was awesome and terrible all at once.

But we reconnected and picked up precisely where we left off. It's unusual to have that experience with a person - it's a special case for sure.

And now, all these many years later...we're tight and it's all held together with a kind of historical glue that we're thankful for.

And Robb. Gosh, I seriously think I've known him the longest of pretty much every friend I have. We've stayed connected for about 15 years and I adore him more every time I get the opportunity to be around him.
He makes me laugh and I love his perspective which gets more lovely and informed and surprising with every visit. I can't wait for him to come back.

So, when you get these people together...from your past and you get the opportunity to hang out and remind each other about who you are and where you come leaves you with such a satisfying feeling.

It lets you be nostalgic about the person that you were coupled with the person that you are.

I took a lot of pictures when Robb was here...mostly party pictures, but I realized that I needed to talk about my friends in this post.
My friends that I love.


Itsy said...

Can we still have pictures?

Becky Hensley said...

I don't know bunny...
I'll see what I can do!
