Monday, January 18, 2010

Put Me On The Guest List

I recently got to spend some quality time with my amazing people!
Rock shows really bring all the good ones out and that's always lucky for me!

Here's Miss Kristin and Darling Meg - these ladies make every get down better!

The brothers Keralis.
Stoicism runs in the family.

Chris...just being Chris.

I lent Shanda some glossy lip stuff...a lady must look her best while rockin' out!
I was excited to see The Swanks play - Rex, their guitar player, had been in Iraq for the last 5 months and we missed him desperately!

Sexy Rexy!

Shout it out!

It's rad to see your friends playing together with smiles on their faces!

A trio of rock butts.

Shay wasn't melting faces...HIS OWN FACE WAS MELTING!

I like these people too. Kind of a lot.

And the ladies...yeah, these are some faves.

Miriam and Gina...being Miriam and Gina.

Lil Kyle was all decked out.

Tough rocker type.

Gina attacked me with love...

She sort of attacked everyone!
But if she didn't, you'd miss'd want it back...
I welcome her advances!

I love this pic...Rex is back and that makes me so happy!

The Swanks' set list!

Christal was there too...

Mosh pit, jerks!

Douglet and Lil Kyle raising hell!

Speaking of Lil Kyle - his band Chingaso was next!

Lady friend Steph rockin' it on the bass!

And my real deal bro, Chris...shredding!

Chingaso set list...
If I'm reading it right...they have a song named "CRAM".

Luke - Proprietor at Benders and a pretty bad ass bartender.
If you go to Benders...tip him liberally.

Looking good, Steph!

When I showed Joel this picture on my camera...he said, "My hair looks really good!".

Miriam is a darling!


Working hard!
I love Joel...he calls me "Kraken"!

And Sarah, to reward her darling husband, removed her animal print bra...

And chucked it at him when he was drumming like a proper groupie!
I love Sarah M! I hope she knows I'm thinking about her!

Mama Kel brought her friend Stevie to the show.

I swear, I had many opportunities to examine Stevie's tonsils.

Stickin' out her tongue helps!

Heeler played too!
Alcoholidave was keeping it all muscle-y and ripped!
I adore that guy!


These guys are good. Did you know that?
Of course you didn't - you left before they started their set!

Holy crap.

Back stage is always sort of a shit show of people at the end of the night.
Everyone gabbing, rehashing, joking, drinking, smoking, mugging...

And I like to go back there because there are tons of weird things written on the walls. Graffiti galore...

I love a lot of those faces.

Like this one: TJ!
I have seen a lot of TJ lately and I like it that way!

Royal pain in the ass...

Chris kept taking pics of Kel's I clearly edited.
This one's pretty good, eh Kel?

These two are good as well!

I love these dudes...Every single one of them.
Even the small headed photo ninja.

We all sort of filtered out of Benders...some to after parties, some to unload gear, and me...I was down to walk home, but Joel said, "Kraken, no...".

So, I caught a ride with him...

It's nice to come home after you've been hugged about a billion times by the most amazing people!
I'm one lucky Kraken.


Chris said...

Just one set of your show pictures looks more fun than all the shows we played last year . . . combined!

Becky Hensley said...

Come on down to Denver! We'll treat you right!
