Maura B and I went on a Sunday adventure through DenvCO.
It was nice! I hadn't seen her lovely face in ages!
The weather was perfect...all the snow was melting.
This says:
"You don't have to act crazy anymore We all know you were good at that Now retire, my dear, from all that hard work you do Of bringing pain to your sweet eyes and heart."
We figured it was written there explicitly for someone to see.
One of those guys is carrying a flute in a case. Both Maura and I used to play the flute.
If you order some tamales from RICOS TAMALES...I will totally eat them with you!
My life is so far from "in balance".
Oooh, a meditation house! Does anyone want to go here with me?
This is my neighb liquor store!
After we walked around, stared at cute boys, and read the Westword over Coffee Shakes and Iced Chais...we went and saw 'I Love You, Man'. It's great. Go see it! I LOVE YOU PAUL RUDD!
This morning, on the way to work, it was just sort of dreary and wet.
At work, all of us sort of sat at our desks, nervous.
On the 6th floor, you can see the weather rolling in.. And when the wind whipped up and we couldn't see the buildings nearest to our building, my boss told us to go home.
My drive was treacherous...
..but not as bad as co-worker Adam. It took him 2 1/2 hours just to get home.
I did stop at the grocery and the liquor store. I needed supplies - and by supplies...I mean booze.
A view of the street from my apartment building.
From my window... Those sad suckers! Driving is a bitch!
Happily...I have a lasagna to cook... And some red wine to sip! Bundle up, Denver babies! And be careful!
Also, quickly - my downstairs neighbor just moved in about a month ago...and he's, apparently, hearing impaired. I know this because he plays his radio and TV so loud...and most of the time I can hear him talking on his phone about whatever lame shit he cares about.
My question: What to do? I've complained to my property manager, I've banged on his door (he didn't answer), and now...I've resorted to stomping - which usually works, but he has banged back a time or two or cursed me - which I could hear. I want to do mean stuff...but I know that's counter productive. HELP ME! IDEAS?
The rumor is there is to be an epic snowstorm - they are estimating 8-16 inches of snow!
And I want to believe, because we've yet to have a proper snowstorm that shakes the very foundations of our lives. The kind of serious weather where people are scrambling for canned meats and kerosene.
I think I'm all stocked up. I have a variety of frozen soups that I've been hoarding, lots of tea, a couple really unruly piles of books that need some loving attention, and a ton of Netflix and movies that I borrowed from Baby S while he is in NYC being a professional teacher type.
I doubt that the weather will truly be THAT serious, but I'm curious... What do you do when the weather traps you in your apartment or house? Denverites - what are you planning tonight?
There's some snow falling right now! Can't wait to see what happens! Image courtesy of
On Friday the 13th, I visited my tattoo guy, Zez...
He was a doing a tattoo promotion @ his new shop, Newspeak on Colfax.
It's a really cool shop with art materials (particularly for graffiti artists) and is a great space for artists to display their efforts.
The deal, on Friday the 13th, is that you can only pick from the selection that Zez has for you. No custom tacos or bananas in bikinis.
Co-worker Michelle tagged along and got a paper airplane.
They had some post tattoo celebratory munchies. I abstained from what Zez called the "Teghetto Sunrise" which was the shop specialty. Tequila and orange Fanta on ice. Yikes.
Michelle getting tattooed.
These are a couple art pieces by Zez. Really cool stuff...I love that JeZez.
Final product! Hurray! It's whimsical!
Zez decided to draw my tattoo on me directly - rather than using a stencil. I trust the guy, so...what he says goes!
The spot!
Sadly, I look like I am getting a really disappointing surprise. I was way more excited than I look. The initial pain caught me off guard, but by the time I was used to it - he was done.
Unlucky ladder.
Later, Baby S and I went to grab a little nosh before we headed back to see Zez. Spencer decided he wanted a tattoo as well.
Strangely, when we split our came to exactly $13.00 respectively. Eerie!
Obligatory tattoo paperwork...
Alright, so while Spencer was getting tattooed, I let Zez mix me up a "Teghetto Sunrise". He poured a surprisingly stiff cocktail for a guy that doesn't drink!
Baby S got a lucky rabbit's foot.
Post tattoo - we hit the P.S. Lounge. Love that place - all the ladies get a rose and a shot upon arrival... AND...the owner must have liked our faces because he bought us a shot before we left!
We did have to hit the road though...The Swanks and King Rat were playing over at stinky old Benders!
Rex aka Old Man River strapped on his axe and The Swanks started their set!
Shanda Boo!
Mama Kel was maniacally texting me with threatening diatribes until I arrived at the show. One of my faves, for reals, forev.
Have you not seen The Swanks before? That's weird. You should check them out. Check that guy out in the bottom left...that's what happens to you when you see them play! NO JOKE.
Baby S and Anthony! Anthony bought me a drink! What a kind gentleman!
Rex killin' it.
Look, it's the ever-busy TJ and sweet Gina!
And there's Steph! She was taking it easy...she had an appointment with Cozumel, Mexico the next morning!
The Swanks set was perfect...and I'm honored to note that Shanda dedicated 'Scars' to me!
Also, I love that Rex has a pedal called "DEATH METAL DISTORTION"!
So much fun!
Some cuties that I love!
Up next was my other favorite fart butts... King Rat!
Ant face.
I know Ant's not working any "hanky code", but everytime I see a dude with a hanky in his back pocket...I think of this: HANKY CODE
Luke face.
Douglet face.
Hope you're having fun sunning yer buns, Ms. Bastard!
Who is this nutty guy?
Why did I take pictures of him?
Mikey Rat face.
King Rat was usual. They're a really tight band and they've been doing this for long enough to really pack a punch!
Here's a little video...I'm sure the sound is AS BAD as The Bronx & F*cked Up footage, but it's my blog - I do what I want.
After the show was over, Mama Kel and Rex carted my sad ass home. CURSE YOU "TEGHETTO SUNRISE"!